APLAR Milestones
Formation of South-East APLAR (SEAPAL) by Four nations, namely Australia, India, Japan and New Zealand
The first SEAPAL Congress was held at the renowned Taj Mahal Hotel on the waterfront across the Gateway of India in Bombay, India, participated by 400 participants
Launch of SEAPAL Bulletin
16th ILAR Congress was held in Sydney, Australia with 3,000 participants.
This is the 1st ILAR ever held in Asia Pacific Country
SEAPAL renamed to Asia Pacific League Against Rheumatism (APLAR) and held 1st APLAR Congress Symposium on Therapy of Rheumatic Diseases in Seoul, Korea
Asia Pacific League Against Rheumatism becomes Asia Pacific League of Associations of Rheumatology
19th ILAR Congress was held in Singapore with 2,800 participants
Launch of APLAR Journal of Rheumatology
Launch of APLAR Fellowship Grants
Launch of International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases
Launch of Everyday Counts Initiative
Launch of ARISE (Asia Pacific Rheumatology Intensive Scientific Education) with APLAR
Launch of Research Grant and COPCORD Grant
Master Award was launched in 2016 in recognition of the outstanding contributions to the field of rheumatology through teaching, research, or professional services Prominent Rheumatologists of APLAR MNO
Launch of Center of Excellence with 5 centres accredited in the first year
APLAR Special Interest Group was launched in September 2016. The fields of the initial SIGs are SLE, RA, OA, Vasculitis, SpA and Genetics.
The APLAR Young Rheumatologist Group was launched in 2018 at the APLAR Congress in Taiwan.
SIG Grants was launched to support each individual SIG towards accomplishing their expected research activities.
APLAR Annual Congress Grant was launched with the aim to support APLAR Young Rheumatologist (AYR) for attendance of the APLAR Annual Congress
APLAR-CoE Exchange Programme was launched in 2020 with the objective to allow rheumatologists from member nations, especially from the developing countries, to learn from the APLAR certified Centers of Excellence.
APLAR Academy was launched in 2022 with the vision to provide timely, unbiased, evidence-based, rheumatology medical education and supplemental resources to help meet the educational requirements and provide enhanced patient care for APLAR members.