Application for COPCORD Grant is open until 31 March 2025.


The Asia Pacific League of Associations for Rheumatology (APLAR) invites applications from physicians from APLAR member societies for its APLAR Community Oriented Program for Control of Rheumatic Diseases (COPCORD) research grant. Up to three (3) grants of up to USD 14,000 will be awarded to doctors striving to study rheumatic disease in the community.

The aims of the grant are to give the researcher an opportunity to study rheumatic disease in the community of their own country of residence. This grant is to be used for consumables required for the research, including salaries of assistant(s), but not for fixed costs. It is expected that the research will be completed within one (1) year of its initiation.

All successful awardees are required to submit a full report to the APLAR Executive Committee upon the completion of their research. Additionally, they are required to submit the results of the research carried out for presentation at a subsequent APLAR Congress, and for publication as a full scientific article in an international peer-reviewed journal, preferably the International Journal of the Rheumatic Diseases. An acknowledgement of the APLAR grant must be included in the manuscript.

Applicants should demonstrate that how their research will impact improvements in rheumatology care in their community. Only complete applications with the correct supporting documents will be accepted. The decision of the APLAR Executive Committee on the award of these grants is final.

For more information on COPCORD please visit:


The grant is valid only for Nationals of countries who are members of APLAR (clear of arrears for membership dues)

The following documents should be enclosed with the application

Outline of the proposal for applying APLAR COPCORD grants.

Please study the template below for proposal development and submission it along with the application form.

Title of the project
Provide a short and informative title
Type of study
Provide the type of the study. Observational, cross sectional etc.
Provide the name of the principal investigator (applicant) and all member of the investigator team including their degree and place of work.
Rational of the study
Provide information related to the study protocol. Why does the investigator want to do this study? What has been done before? What are the unclear or unanswered questions?
Study objective
Provide the study objectives. How does this study answer those questions, etc.?
Population of the study
Provide detail of the population of the study and the place where the study will be performed.
Sample size calculation
Provide the estimated sample size to be used (if any)
Provide the study design, details of the participants, the inclusion/exclusion criteria (and withdrawal criteria, if any). How to find the case or randomization? What the instruments to be used to collect data (COPCORD questionnaire)? How to collect the data? If any, the COPCORD questionnaire has been validated?
Ethical issues
Studies related to human subjects must be accompanied by the Ethical Approval of the investigator institution.
Statistical analysis
Provide statistical methods to be used in the study. If the study requires complex statistical analysis, a qualified biostatistician should be involved in the project.
Provide details of the budget. This includes assistant’s salary or stipends, materials for the study, field budget, etc. The investigator can claim for these expense by sending the receipt to APLAR.
What are the expected results? How will the result from the study help improvement in rheumatology care among AP countries?
Please provide relevant reference to the study.


At the start of the project, USD 5,000 will be transferred to the investigator’s account, preferably their University’s research account. But if that would incur an administrative charge, then the investigator can request to use their personal account.

Following the first transfer, the investigator will be required to provide receipts for the expenditure as the project progresses. If any individual item costs are more than USD 1,000, then 3 separate quotations are required, and the cheapest quotation will usually be accepted. Once the expenditure has exceeded the first USD 5,000, there can be 2 further disbursements at Month 3 and Month 6, depending on the proposed budget, supported by receipts, of up to USD 4,000 each.

The last USD 1,000 will be transferred once the completed research report and the final draft of the manuscript of the research project been received by the APLAR Executive Committee. In addition, awardees should submit their work for publication in an international peer-reviewed journal, preferably to the International Journal of the Rheumatic Diseases.

The APLAR Executive Committee reserves the right to adjust the amount of grant awarded depending on the proposed budget expenditure. Any such decision taken by the APLAR Executive Committee is final.


Application for COPCORD Grant is open until 31 March 2025



Dr Arvind Chopra, Prof Asma A Rahim & Dr Ashish J Mathew
Centre for Rheumatic Diseases
Hermes Doctors House, Hermes Elegance
Pune, India


A/Prof. Hung Nguyen
Head of Department of Rheumatology
Bach Mai Hospital
Hanoi, Vietnam

A/Prof. Muhammad Ahmed Saeed
Division of Rheumatology
Fatima Memorial Hospital (FMH)
College of Medicine and Dentistry
Shadman, Lahore, Pakistan


Dr Binit Vaidya.
Head and Chairman
National Center for Rheumatic Diseases
Kathmandu, Nepal

Prof. Nazrul Islam
Department of Rheumatology
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University
Dhaka, Bangladesh


Prof. Vir Singh Negi
Professor (Sr) and Head
Department of Clinical Immunology
Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research

Tayyeba Khursheed
Resident Rheumatology
Department of Rheumatology
Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences

Dr Saba Samreen
Assistant Professor
Rheumatology Unit /Medicine
Foundation University Medical College
Dr Pande Ketut Kurniari
Department of Internal Medicine Faculty of Medicine Udayana University
Dr Khamroeva Zumrad,
Tajikistan Associative Assistant Therapy and Cardio-Rheumatology Institute of Postgraduate Education in Healthcare of the Republic of Tajikistan

Dr Nazgul Omurzakova

Deputy Director
National Center of Cardiology and Internal Medicine
Kyrgyz Republic

Prof Shin-Seok Lee

Bitgoeul Chonnam National University Hospital

Dr Sabrina Yesmin

Associate Professor
BIRDEM General Hospital


Dr Suma Balan

Professor and Head
Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology
Amrita Hospital

Dr Taqdees Khaliq

Department of Medicine
Federal Government Polyclinic Hospital